History of Saltley College Lodge
It consisted of:
Sir Walter St. John Lodge 2513 Culham College Lodge 2951 Carmarthan Lodge
5280 Westminsterian Lodge 3344 Exonian Lodge 3415 Saltley College Lodge
5319 (And much later our daughter Lodge - Shoreditch College Lodge No. 6766)
The Union had been formed to help the Masonic Hospital, to foster Masonic Research, and to hold a Festival on the third Saturday in October every year, with one member lodge as host. This was roost successful, and our hospital at Ravenscourt Park named beds in a ward after our Lodges, and called the ward the U.C.L. Ward. Our first honour as HOST, was at the 20th Festival in 1934, with W. Bro. Edgar Humphreys as President. Over 1200 guineas had by then been collected by the U.C.L. for the hospital. We were hosts again in 1948 (W.Bro. George Ison as President), again in 1955 (W. Bro. Walter Williams as Pres.), and in 1962 (W.Bro. Les. Marler as President). Soon after this the organisation fell apart, much to our sorrow.
In 1950, as part of our celebrations at the Centenary of Saltley College, we held an Emergency meeting in the college buildings. In my day the part of the building we used was called the Junior Lecture Room, in 1950 it was called the Music Room. W. Bro. George Ison was put in the chair, two Brothers were passed. A Happy and Successful meeting of note because it was the only Masonic meeting to be held at the College in its 128 years, and because of the meeting we discovered that the old Warwickshire buildings were still in the Masonic Province of Worcs. We met furniture and tyling problems, but both provinces were most kind to us.
When we met on 1st April, 1939 our W.M. was Bertram Cartwright, when Bro.
Townsend was raised and Frank Hickley and Bill Scanes were Initiated. We
little realised the nearness to War, and when September 3rd came we did
not know when we should next meet. We were all in it, Forces,